[Oiio-dev] OpenImageIO Release-2.0.1-RC1 : Release Candidate
Larry Gritz
2018-11-28 07:56:32 UTC
A little later than I wanted, but after shoving several things into the beta at the last minute (and no complaints or bugs about the beta itself), I have tagged "Release-2.0.1-RC1" as a release candidate.

I am now FREEZING 2.0 -- only the most critical fixes that MUST be fixed before a release will go in, any other changes will have to wait until after the release and if safe can be backported.

If I hear no complaints or get critical bug reports, we will tag it as a real release on Saturday, Dec 1.

Note: When I announced the beta, I said that there were no new/raised dependencies, but that turned out not to be true. Compared to 1.8, on Windows when building with MS Visual Studio, the new minimum version is MSVS 2015. We are dropping support for MSVS 2013 in the OIIO 2.0 branch.

Larry Gritz
